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Sunday, December 25, 2005

the after dark machine

[click photo for gallery]

So I found my boxmac sitting in a box - and thought I should do something with it. Also, I found a copy of AfterDark at a used book store for $2 and wanted to make some dedicated box that would run flying toasters all teh time. I was thinking of using a Mac SE or something, but the boxmac does it in color. So yea now its on my wall doing flying toasters - I might make a nicer mounting for it, but probably not. Check out the movie I made of it, too.

update: I like how its silent. Makes it kinda creepy.

update: I removed the tape that held the box in place - I made it mount better, now it has a hole in the back of the box which hooks onto the screw in the wall. And I updated the gallery with the much nicer box.

update: Hasn't crashed once in the last 5 months - and my friend Jon took a new really nice picture of it.

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5 pillowblog: the after dark machine [click photo for gallery] So I found my boxmac sitting in a box - and thought I should do something with it. Also, I found a copy of AfterD...


Anonymous said...

You should sell these :)

Anonymous said...

Or, you could make a remote for it and make it do other stuff, aside from flying toasters! You could have bouncing cow and oscillating televisions! Oh, the possibilities if you had a remote. Infrared parts come relatively cheap, I think, too, so you could just put the infrared reciever somewhere on the case of the boxmac and use a palm application to beam commands! weee (I know this because I am now the proud owner of a Palm T|X!)

Good luck! glad to see updates!

Anonymous said...

Bannana citty said hi

Andrew said...

movie link is broken, i want to see the movie

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