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Don't you just hate it when you're rocking out in the shower with your itunes on shuffle and then that track you hate comes on and you have to just wait for it to end because you're too wet to go out to your computer? I know I did...
Anyhow I made this button that solves the problem. Its really easy to make with stuff you probably have lying around. (an old mouse, wire, couple little boxes, a switch...)
Click here to see it
Just to note, for the wire that runs from the box to the switch, I used a cheap 20' audio cable which i split into the two cables and cut off the ends... it looks neat and tidy especially when its stapled to the wall, and won't look twisted because both wires are in one tube.
oh yea and its mac/win/linux compatible :)
oh and a bit of a warning - though the voltage through the circuit couldn't exceed 5v during normal circumstances... its possible for lighting to find its way through your computer and into into your shower and shock you to death... so thats not my fault if you make something like this and you die or get hurt in any way. because i warned you.

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That's funny - do you have speakers in the shower as well, or just turn up the voume?
couldn't you just have used a really long usb cable to do the same thing?
no usb has a fairly short maximum length
How much time does this guy spend in the shower that he needs this?
no, i've seen that you could just special order or make a long usb cable.
just delete the fuckin' songs that you don't like on your ipod. problem solved.
Thanks for sharinng
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