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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hack the planet

[click photo for site]

I haven't updated in a while because I just recently got a job and moved out. I'm still hacking the planet, but yea, only from 9-5. :)

I'm managing racks of servers at a webhost at 151 Front st. So if you need some colocation or dedicated hosting, give me a ring.

Anyhow an upshot is I gots me a sweet server set up. Its not doing much right now, but it my Dual P3 866 on a 100Mb net link.

But I'll be needing to hack together some cool stuff for my apartment... I'll definitely blog it up.

[ click over there to leave a comment ---> ]
5 pillowblog: Hack the planet [click photo for site] I haven't updated in a while because I just recently got a job and moved out . I'm still hacking the planet ,...


Michael Fuller said...

that music video is awesome.

Anonymous said...

That hack the planet photo is awesome.

Michael Fuller said...

That too, but I already saw it before Andy posted this post so I didn't comment.

Anonymous said...

Don't want to sound creepy, and I don't remember how or when I found your blog, but you're my hardware idol. I tried to replicate some of your soldering experiments, but to no avail. Anyways, I'm glad you're back posting again, I was just checking through my bookmarks to delete some when I saw you'd updated. Good thing your updated when you did, or else I would've deleted you forever.

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